Artibus Asiae Vol. XXVII, 4.
Artibus Asiae Vol. XXVII, 4.
Artibus Asiae Vol. XXVII, 4. Special Number. Karl Jettmar: The Slab with a Ram’s Head in the Rietberg Museum; Alice Boner: Zur Komposition des Siva Nataraja im Museum Rietberg; Helmut Brinker: Eine Chinesische Reliefplatte im Museum Rietberg; A.B. Griswold: Prolegomena to the study of the Buddha’s dress in Chinese sculpture (Part II); Alexander C. Soper: Representation of Famous Images at Tun-Huang. Ascona, Switzerland, Artibus Asiae, 1964/65. S. 291-372 , ee. Abb., kt. 2.
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